Amaluna Wellness Logo


Amaluna Wellness Logo

You have the capacity to heal. Your body was made for it.

Your body is a made to self-heal. My job is to identify all the things that are limiting your ability to heal and offer you solutions. No pharmaceuticals, no lifetime treatment plans, no excuses. Are you ready?

I want to work with you if you are ready to fully commit to feeling your best and taking action to do so. I want you to feel vibrant, inspired, motivated, and joyful so you can go out and love, create, and be of service. Because that’s the kind of world I want to live in.

I’m not like other functional medicine practitioners. This is functional medicine with an acute awareness of the role your mental, emotional and spiritual health plays in your overall wellness. Because while a fast-food diet will make you sick, so will holding grudges or hating your job. This is functional medicine with depth. We go deep and the work is transformative. There are no superficial fixes here. Whether you’re tired of feeling anxious, suffering from seasonal allergies, sick of getting sick, ready to be free of PMS, wanting more energy, or just generally ready to feel better, you’re in the right place.

New Patient 60-min consult includes:

  • In-depth medical history and health interview
    • You will be deeply listened to
    • You will not be judged
    • There will be space for your feelings and your preferences
  • Discussion of current medication, diet, and lifestyle habits
  • Tongue diagnosis over video or photo
  • Treatment plan and lab review
    • Eastern Medicine and functional medicine approach to healing with individual customized nutrition/diet and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended herbs, vitamins, or supplements
    • Review of lab work and recommendations for further testing
    • Referrals and recommendations for additional therapies
    • Recommendations for addressing the emotional component of your symptoms, and resources and referrals for further support online or in your area.
  • Transformative Health Coaching- This includes help with changing habits, reframing experiences, and transforming your relationship to stress.
    • I have great compassion and respect for every person I work with. I am also very direct and honest. I will not sugarcoat recommendations or walk on eggshells around touchy subjects. If you have habits that are harming your health, I’m going to tell you, and I fully respect your right to make changes at your own pace. Your voice, intuition, and body wisdom are always honored in our therapeutic relationship.
  • New patients must schedule a 30-minute follow up to review the treatment plan (included in cost of new patient appointment)
    • During this included follow-up call I will walk you through each step of your treatment plan, explain where to get testing done or purchase products, and answer any questions.

Follow up 30-min phone or email consult includes:

  • A check-in about your symptoms
  • Discussion of current medication, diet, and lifestyle habits
  • Optional tongue diagnosis over video or photo
  • Labwork results review
  • Changes to treatment plan:
    • Eastern medicine and functional medicine approach to healing with individual customized nutrition/diet and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended herbs, vitamins, or supplements
    • Referrals and recommendations for additional therapies
    • Transformative Health Coaching- help with changing habits, reframing experiences, and transforming your relationship to stress.

Schedule your free consultation

You can schedule an in-person appointment at the Amaluna Wellness clinic in Boulder, CO or opt for a virtual appointment.

The contents of this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material are for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please schedule an appointment for personalized health advice.

Important Details

Find pricing for functional medicine consults via the link below. Credit card information is required when booking.

To cancel or reschedule, 48 hours notice is needed to avoid being charged for the appointment.