Pets as Mirrors: Your dog knows you’re stressed before you do

Pets as Mirrors: Your dog knows you’re stressed before you do

Your dog may know you’re stressed before you do. Your fur babies can help clue you into the state of your nervous system. Do they seem relaxed, clingy, stressed? Horse riders have long understood that the animal beneath them is highly tuned in to their emotional state. Other social animals like dogs do this too….

Why You Need to Parasite Cleanse and How

Why You Need to Parasite Cleanse and How

Who Has Parasites? Probably you, and it might be time for a parasite cleanse. Nearly everyone has parasites at some point. Hookworms, tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, and threadworms are the most common infections in the United States. Think you only get parasites from traveling to third-world countries? Think again! You get them from your organic carrots you…

Epstein Barr Virus: Symptoms, Testing, Treatment

Epstein Barr Virus: Symptoms, Testing, Treatment

  The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is epidemic. Over 90% of adults have antibodies that show they have a current or past EBV infection. Acute infections are often asymptomatic. In 30-50% of adolescents with immunocompromise, EBV manifests as mononucleosis. Primary EBV infections occur at a young age for most. EBV can be transmitted easily through saliva….

Pediatric Functional Medicine

Pediatric Functional Medicine

I believe in sparing kids from unnecessary medication and medical procedures. We can do so much to protect our children’s health (especially from antibiotics) by educating ourselves on safer natural options. Education on safe alternatives helps us avoid succumbing to fear-driven marketing when it comes to pediatric healthcare. Children, like adults, benefit from addressing symptoms…

Oxalates: The IBS Trigger No One is Talking About

Oxalates: The IBS Trigger No One is Talking About

  Did you know that eating too many almonds could trigger joint pain, headaches, and IBS? Your green smoothie with 3 handfuls of raw spinach and soy milk can cause the same problem. It’s all because of oxalates. High-oxalate Symptoms Eating a high-oxalate diet can be a cause of systemic inflammation. The following symptoms can…

Causes of Anxiety

Causes of Anxiety

  Anxiety can be caused by a huge range of physical, spiritual, and psychological triggers. Anxiety is simply one way that our mind and body communicate that attention is needed to create balance again. Below are some of the causes of anxiety and suggestions for how to rebalance. I have separated these into two categories,…

Low Sex Drive in Women

Low Sex Drive in Women

I hear many women of all ages in my practice bemoaning their non-existent or low sex drive. What’s the deal? Sexual desire, particularly in women is a complicated issue.   There are emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological reasons why libido may not be where it once was (or perhaps it has always felt low!). The good…