Sugar Withdrawals

Sugar Withdrawals

Alright, time to get a little personal. I started a three-week sugar cleanse. To me, this means no processed or refined sugars and no alcohol, with low fruit. I usually embark on these little bouts of abstaining when I find myself in an addictive cycle with sugar or see that I am self medicating. Last…

Can an Acupuncturist Perform Dry Needling?

Can an Acupuncturist Perform Dry Needling?

(This is adapted from Clare Mallory O’Nan’s thoughtful Facebook post) Many of my patients have been asking me about dry needling lately. Dry needling (DN) is included in the scope of practice of physical therapists (PTs) in Colorado, which is why you’re hearing the term more and more. As it gains in popularity, many people are…

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Acupuncture

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Acupuncture

1. It treats more than pain! Chinese Medicine is designed to be a complete healthcare system, which can treat literally ANY problem. This doesn’t mean that Chinese Medicine treats every problem as well as other medical interventions, but it does broaden the scope of what most people assume acupuncture can do. Many “incurable” conditions according…

Auricular Therapy

Auricular Therapy

Auricular therapy uses the acupuncture points in the ears. The ears represent a microsystem of the entire body. Specific areas of the ear reflect specific areas of the body, including internal organs. There are also empirical points on the ear for various conditions. Ear needles may seem unpleasant but are often very relaxing. Just imagine…

The No ‘Poo Method

The No ‘Poo Method

What:  Not what you might think. ‘Poo here stands for shampoo. The no ‘poo method is a haircare approach that uses no commercial shampoo or conditioning products. Why: With the no ‘poo method you enjoy fewer costly products, no toxic chemicals, a healthy scalp, thicker stronger faster-growing hair, less time on haircare, less frequent washing,…

Fire Cupping

Fire Cupping

Fire Cupping is a traditional Asian medical technique. Cupping works to alleviate pain and tightness, improve range of motion, and aids in detoxification. Glass cups and a flame or silicone cups and pump are used to create suction on the skin. This increases blood flow and manually breaks up fascial (connective tissue) adhesions. By creating more…